Fairblue Board Meeting Minutes

January, 19th 2025


Location: Zoom 

Time: 7:00pm 


Board Members in attendance in-person:

Cristina Strain, President

Sean Matthews, Vice President

Christy Shannon, Treasurer

Beth Hughes, Membership

John Evans, Maintenance

Brittany Townsend, Communications

Jess Townsend, Social

Nate Caswell, Personnel

Jenn Blackford, Swim Team

Juliana Cimabue, Secretary


Bond holders or associate members in attendance in-person: N/A




At 7:03 pm Cristina Strain- President called the meeting to order and welcomed all to the meeting, noting the agenda for the meeting. AMS contract being reviewed for this coming year by Lori Sanders (attorney). Will keep everyone posted on the upcoming contract and send it to the board for review. Danny Bosma working towards Eagle Scout- spoke with him a few days ago and he has to have his service hours completed by May.  Suggestions were given about a bench, lost and found box, and fundraising for the playground.  Will talk with the cub scout master about the idea of creating a plan for a possible new playground.  Elizabeth Gamble is the snack shack coordinator and possibly add her as the snack shack director as part of the board.  Board agreed to add Elizabeth Gamble as a board member. 


  • Sean MatthewsVice President 4 different estimates for baby pool replastering.  Estimate for $9,000 from MVP for white plaster and $800 additional charge for tiling the baby pool steps. Wil try to save the mosaics in the baby pool if he is able.  Voted to approve the pool company for replastering the baby pool.  The diving board needs to be completely replaced.  All in price would be $8,400 for a complete replacement or do we repair the old stand. Repair with a stand would be around  $5,300.- Board voted on approving all new replacement for the diving board and other materials. Next year a free reseal for the basketball court.  Estimate for new speakers for this upcoming season.    


  • Beth Hughes, Membership Director, Has received one relinquishment and working with first person on the waiting list. 53 families are on the waiting list. Beth and Christy sent out the first 10 relinquishments and are working on sending out the remaining 17 from 2023.  At the end of the season we will look at sending out first half of the 2024 relinquishment checks.  Membership fees for this upcoming season.  Some local pools have put out their fees for this summer.  Increasing fees for this upcoming season.  Discount for senior bond holders for a flat fee of $30.  Maintenance fee is still $150.  As Board members we will have $150 taken off the total amount and guest passes. Guest pass fees are set as $7.00 from 2024 and are currently part of the blue book. Not as many relinquishments and a longer waitlist. Caregiver fee $100 increased from $60.  Discussed average increase for membership. Approved membership fee increase for this upcoming season.


  • Christy Shannon, Treasurer- Annual Budget was approved at the last meeting. A new tax professional has been contacted to assist us with taxes this season in hopes for improved communication and responsiveness to questions. Currently working with our eSoft vendor to switch to a new credit card processor to streamline the process and decrease some fees to minimize cost to the club. We pay more to offer online credit card service to members than we collect in convenience fees from members. Hoping to have that in place before we open up membership for the season. Off season expenditures have included anticipated expenses including loans, utilities, grounds work, and 1/3 of the bond relinquishments for 2023. Plan is to save the 1/2 of the budgeted 2024 relinquishment payments to the end of the season as this is a potential budget item that could be cut if needed. Anticipated larger upcoming expenses besides loans/utilities over the next few months include remainder of bond relinquishments for 2023, diving board/stand maintenance costs, potential baby pool renovation deposits, and first payment(s) to AMS. Treasurer is working with membership to redesign membership fee structure wording this season for improved communication and streamlined online offerings to minimize confusion with members selecting options this season as we had to chase down a lot of erroneous payments (both in favor of and in debt to the club) last season. Capital expenditures completed off season thus far have included the multipurpose parking/basketball court repaving. Other treasurer tasks that are still in progress including completing taxes/1099s from last season, reactivating esoft payment settings for upcoming season, following up on sewer bill payments from last season due to erroneous billing based off inaccurate meter reads off season, exploring option of adding ACH payments for esoft, researching options for office safe and potential credit card reader for front desk. Plan to remain cashless again this season with exception for swim meets and social events. All expenditures since the start of season, October 1st 2024, were reviewed and unanimously approved by the board. 


  • Brittany Townsend: Communications– Added Liz as part of the board, Membership and registration, early bird special and enter to win a $25 snack shack card. Bond Relinquishments after March 1 will not be eligible.  Caregiver policy changes the price, Membership needs their card to check in.  Must be 15 years of age or accompanied by an adult for the spring work days. Swim lessons will be announced for 2025.  Update the new information on the swim team.  Maintenance days will be Sunday, April 27 from 12-4 and Sunday, May 18 12-4.  


  • John EvansMaintenance– deduct meter, still have to replace the backboard for the basketball court, need to replace the split rail posts. Can call the company that repaired the fence in the past.  Hold off from purchasing the new blackboard.  Chairs and loungers need some repairs and a few chairs that were not able to be repaired.  Will need to purchase 6-8 new chairs for the tables. 


  • Nate Caswell-Personnel Will review the contract and set up to meet with the guards. Will set up times to meet guards in the future.   


  • Jenn BlackfordSwim Team Reached out to Matt Hoopes and gave him a deadline as of February 1st about his position as head swim coach. Tried to put feelers out to see if anyone is interested. Adding a third assistant coach.  Adjust budget and expenses, give all swimmers latex caps at the start of the swim seasons.  Looking at a suit from The Swim Shop and the pricing is around the same.  Feedback about team gifts like a towel.  Swimmingly- NBSL meeting since December and their renegotiation and the cost is $16 for Swimmingly.  If pools are allowing nonmembers to possibly have waivers to hold accountability for any particular situations. NBSL will meet again in February.  Move registration to Swimmingly so that all signups are in one place- need to check pricing and fees.  More formal interview process with resumes for coaching positions.  


  • Jess TownsendSocial– Less food trucks this year.  Mr. Softee would need to be invited to the pool. Looking for other low key and low cost events. 


The next meeting will be on Sunday, February 16th at 7:00 pm via Zoom. 


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